I hope everyone had a great and blessed Thanksgiving! As my girls celebrated their first Thanksgiving, I couldn't help but reminisce on my Thanksgiving traditions as a child. Every year until I reached a certain age that I cannot remember, my father and I would go to the Thanksgiving Day Parade; one of the many perks of living in New York. We would wake up at 4 am, my dad would be placing the hot apple cider he just made into our thermoses (I had the pink Cabbage Patch one). Around 4:30 in the morning we would head out in the dark cold air to the subway. Our destination, every year was 34th street. One year my dad was able to get us into the VIP section by flashing his badge. The year after, we were weren't so lucky because it was so cold outside that my little toes were frozen solid. We had to watch the parade from the second floor of a restaurant. It wasn't a bad view though.
These memories that I forever cherish only excites me to create new ones with my girls. This year, my girls and I watched the parade on television while my mother perfumed the house with her sweet smelling sweet potato pie and potato salad; the two main items that are always demanded at the dinner table at my Aunts house.
Grandma Bonnie in the back and Aunt Charlotte |
Once the food was ready and Aaron arrived, we made our way to my Aunt's house. Not only were the rest of the family going to meet the girls, but two things made this Thanksgiving extra special. My grandma came all the way from North Carolina (she hasn't been to New York in 11 years!) to see the girls and I was going to meet my new cousin (born a month later after the girls).
Ladies Man. Huggie in between Milani (purple hat) and Mya |
My aunt's house was packed with great food and family. I don't think we all were in the same room together for a holiday since the 2006 Thanksgiving dinner. Before the meal, my aunt does the blessing, which is at least 30 minutes long. I think it gets longer each year. Once she is finish, we go around the table to say what we are grateful for. Although my life seems to be spiraling out of control, I have with stand every obstacle that I have encountered. I am grateful to have two beautiful little girls, a fiance to share my joy, my mother who has been a true blessing, friends and family that always get me through my challenges that I seem to find myself in. Even though I am not where I would like to be yet, my life could be far worst.
After a great meal, my fiance invites his brother to go with us to my friends house who lives up the street. It has become a tradition ever since my friend moved down the block from my aunt's house to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Besides, after a couple of hours, my family starts to get a little bit overwhelming and it is nice to relax and converse with my friend.
Overall, I had a great Thanksgiving. I couldn't ask for a better one. Now onto my favorite holiday, Christmas.
How was your Thanksgiving?
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