Saying Goodbye to Staying at Home
Just when I was I coming to grips of being a stay at home mom, (after 9 months), putting all my faith and stress into God's hands, I received a phone call for a job interview who I sent my resume to over a month ago. I was thrilled! Went to the interview, sent my thank you e-mail and yesterday I received the news that I was offered the position. It was everything that I was looking for, meaning I was ready to go back to join the workforce.
Yet, staying at home was taken a toll on me. I do not have many friends and the friends that I do have live in New York. It is kind of hard to visit friends in New Jersey when my fiance has the car to go to work, I can't get on the bus with a double stroller and there isn't much around. However, I managed. Being confined to the walls of my house every day, forgetting to shower, sleeping while the girls slept, which resulted in me not getting a lot of my work done, was making me go stir crazy.
What I Will Miss About Staying At Home
The perk of staying at home was the watching the girls develop. Since they were born premature, every milestone is such a huge achievement for Aaron and I. My girls are who I am going to miss. Nothing more.
Trying to Find Day Care
I am so last minute. To put things in perspective; I am not rich; no where near and therefore rely on public assistance such as WIC to take care of my children. I especially need to rely on public assistance for child care, however, it takes 45 days to process the application. I spent all day today looking at day care, stressed out about the prices, figuring out how I am going to afford this. I know, God will have a way for me.
Hey Jamila, I'm Iris (blogger from: From One Twin Mom to Another)...I'm excited I came across your blog and just realized that you too are in the east coast and are going through the similar working mommy transition as me. I have 8 month old twin girls and live in NYC. I originally planned to go back to work once the girls turned a year old but daycare put a stop to that idea. The prices are more than overwhelming and I know there was no way I was going to make more than I would have to pay for two babies to be in daycare full-time. Recently I started working as a design repp for Silpada..a beautiful sterling silver jewelry line. I work form home and it's probably the best decision I've made for myself and my family. Check out my blog and read up on the post I made about working mommy's. I'm actually going to be having a launch party her in NY on May 26th. If you can get a babysitter I'd be happy to have you come and check out some of the jewelry in person. This company has a lot to offer women like us, and could even be a part time thing if that's all the time you have. PS- love your blog..a lot of your experiences are the same I have been going through with my twins. It's great reading up on other mommy's and what they have done to become great twin moms =) Keep up the good work!