There were days that I would look in the middle pre-babies and say "I really need to loose this weight," and then a week later, I would get bored of exercising and start eating junk. After my twins were born, like most mom's, I decided I needed to loose the belly. Being teased for being too skinny for a long time, I was content with the thickness that I had developed, but I did want my old flat stomach again. I joined Weight Watchers and I even coughed up $100.00 for Insanity DVDS and although I did see results with Insanity, I slowly found myself getting bored and having the urge to eat the junk foods again. By the third week, I stopped; I got unmotivated.
I went back to the mirror and I took a hard look at myself and I wasn't ashamed of what I saw. Weird right? But I wasn't. Here I was a 26 year old African American women who did what others dream of, having twins. I turned to the side and noticed the dark stretch marks that had made a home around my body and I was proud of them; it reminded of me what a blessing it was to carry my girls for as long as I did; it reminded me of how amazing a women's body is, what changes we go through. Even with my bulge, people still tell me I look great for carrying twins or I do not look like I carried twins (that could also be because I look so young).
Who am I trying to impress? My fiance? Who may think I should loose the bulge, but loves me regardless, but in the past, I was teased for being too skinny, now I get teased for being thick or they are not use to me being this thick. It's a loose loose situation in regards to my families approval.
One day, I will be ready to "Dig Deeper" and loose the bulge, as of now, I am content how I look and who I am. I say Keep The Stretch Marks!!! I say Keep The Post-Baby Body!!...Until you are ready to loose it.
As founder of Project Bump, Inc., I am distributing NICU Christmas Care Packages to mothers and children of Overlook Medical Center in Summit, NJ. If you would like to donate anything to our 25 packages, please contact info@projectbumpinc.org. A list of the items are below.
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